image of public relations agency google search

Checked Your 3-Pack Lately?

Back in May 2016 The Creative Company introduced our Website Audit service. One goal of this service is to help your local business gain an advantage over larger companies by analyzing how your business is positioned on factors that influence local search results such as the Google Local 3-Pack. So just what is this Google Local 3-Pack?

If you type “public relations agency” into Google, you might see a list of agencies in your geographic area.These listings, accompanied by a map, are displayed at the top of the results page when Google determines that your search has a “local intent”.

What specific “3-Pack” factors are part of The Creative Company’s Audit Service?



During our audit we take a snapshot of your business’s local profile on Google. This includes double-checking that the NAP is correct, photos have been added, and that your Google data is accurate.


It is widely accepted that reviews are an ever growing factor in how Google ranks your business against competitors. Is your business encouraging and responding to reviews?

CITATIONS Name, Address, and Phone (NAP)

Google prefers that online references to your business are accurate. Our audit shows your current citations and identifies those with an incorrect NAP. This gives you a clear road map toward improved local results.


Everyone wants to be “#1 on Google” and a lot of spammers say that they can get you there. But the reality is that most times the top positions are highly competitive. Our audit service checks your foundation and identifies if your core keywords are in URLs, titles, and headings.

Addressing these foundational issues goes a long way toward optimizing your current assets in Google’s indexes and “Local 3-Pack” results.


Schedule your site audit today by contacting Craig at 608.442.6336 or shoot him a message!