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Google’s big mobile update is coming April, 21. Are you ready?

No one beats Google when it comes to search…NO ONE. So what the tech giant is planning next could have a lasting impact on your website traffic and business in general. On April 21, Google will update its algorithm, changing how sites are ranked in search. Google Webmasters say, compared to previous updates, this one will have the biggest effect on search rankings.


It’s speculated that 50% of Google searches are performed on mobile devices. When the new algorithm is launched, mobile-friendly sites will rank higher in searches than non-mobile-friendly sites.

The Problem:

Many sites, and possibly yours, are not responsive. This means they were built for desktop viewing and are difficult to navigate on mobile devices. The graphic below shows the difference.

Will you lose your Google search ranking because your site is not responsive?

Check your site using a moblie-friendly testing tool. Just plug in your domain into Google Mobile-Friendly Test and you’ll get an analysis of your site or do things the old-fashioned way – pull out your phone and take a look.

Your website is the gateway between you and the community, your first chance to connect. We can transform it into a space that’s dynamic, engaging, and responsive. Don’t lose your search ranking