Tyler Grihm to Lead Video Production & Digital Media Services


You may have seen Tyler Grihm in photos and videos from The Creative Company over the last few years. We’ve been working with him since the fall of 2017 when he volunteered to shoot and edit the Women’s Entrepreneurship Day Wisconsin leadership conference. He made such an impression on us then that we continued to work together closely over the next few years.

Producer Madison Lee and Tyler worked together at the agency to win the International non-profit video award we received from MarCom for the non-profit, Midwest Environmental Advocates 20th Anniversary mini-documentary, for example.

In January of 2021, he officially joined us at the agency where he is leading video production and digital media services for clients.

Sizzle & Soul Highlight Reel

Tyler’s been an independent filmmaker for a number of years and is a fitness trainer and coach. From 2004 to 2008, Tyler served in the U.S. Navy as an engineer. The Creative Company fully recognizes and honors the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). We join other employers in pledging that we appreciate the values, leadership, and unique skills Service members and Veterans bring to the workforce.
Connect Wih Tyler Today
Tyler was the videographer behind a recent International Gold MarCom Award for Nonprofit Video Production won by The Creative Company.
To learn more about how you can put video to work for your company or non-profit organization, reach out to Tyler today!