Big Powerful Images, HD Video, e-Commerce, and SPEED?
Whether a website succeeds or fails is the direct result of the expertise of your website’s designers, developers, project managers, and all of the other professionals who contribute to the outcome. Your website is often the first gateway to your brand and defines or “pre-fluences” the initial opinion a customer forms about your brand.
At The Creative Company, our clients expect websites with a “Wow” factor. We deliver with a proven process that generates concise on-point messaging, impactful imagery, scroll animations, viewport targeting and other valuable features. Many of our clients layer on options such as Google Ads, Youtube, Facebook, or other PPC campaigns.
Do these big beautiful websites also perform as measured by one of the most recent additions to Google’s ranking algorithm, speed?
Speed affects everything: the emotions your website evokes, the rate users complete your goals, and the overall visitor experience. And now that Google's promise to include website speed and performance in their ranking algorithm has come to fruition, speed also impacts search engine rankings. Let’s look closer at the value of working with the team at The Creative Company.

The Two Websites Above Checks All of the Boxes:
- Fast page load and superb performance on Google Web Vitals
- Extensive, beautiful imagery that conveys gravitas and heft
- Clear, succinct messaging that explains a brand’s bespoke point of differentiation
- Subtle scroll animations to encourage deeper engagement
- Clear calls to action that align with the brand’s processes and systems
- And ultra-fast page load performance
There are many results for the Google search “madison website developer.” But very few offer the immediate impact and long-term value of those websites that were designed, developed, and are hosted by The Creative Company.

Craig Hadley -
Content Analyst - Senior Web Developer