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Register Today for Madison’s Chick-fil-A Leadercast!

The May 4th Leadercast is quickly approaching and the early bird registration will expire at the end of next week. The question you’re probably asking yourself is why attend? With everything needing your attention, why register for this leadership development experience?

Great question! Here are five reasons why you should attend:

#5:  Leadership Matters!  After nearly 50 years of studying leadership and writing many books, someone asked Warren Bennis, the consultants’ consultant on leadership, how he’d sum up his research and life’s work. His response?  Leadership matters. It mattered yesterday and it matters even more today.

#4:  We need leaders who operate with principle & character, not those who help us memorize 5 easy steps.  Many consultants package leadership lessons in novel, memorable ways because that’s what grabs your attention as buyers. What would be more helpful are lessons on how to operate with character in a way that can be applied to real life dilemmas.

#3:  Don’t focus on the challenge of being away from the office, think of the insight you’ll gain from the platform of leadership experts. All too often we make the mistake of working ‘in the business’ given the chaotic nature of our work with its pressing demands. Stop trying the same solutions on issues your facing. Use the Leadercast as a catalyst for new ideas as you work ‘on the business.’

#2:  Develop the next generation of leaders within your organization. At this price point, we suggest you bring a young, aspiring leader with you. Share the experience and talk through real dilemmas you’re facing in your organization. You’ll be surprised what you learn.

#1:  Take advantage of the early bird and group discounts. In addition to the early bird discount, we have discounts for groups, i.e. – management teams, and the benefit of networking with leaders from other organizations.

These are all reasons for you, as the individual leader, as well as leaders you bring along with you. You can use this event as a catalyst for leadership development in your organization. Are you interested in developing a leadership pipeline to deal with the issues and challenges facing your organization? Talk to us strategies to extend the benefit beyond the single day.

Register today!