In business, people tend not to talk about the fear but it’s always there. Same with creative pursuits – what if they don’t like my art – or they do? Too many people with great ideas sit on the sidelines wishing they were in the game. Don’t sit this one out. Get in the game and play! I’ll be at American Family Insurance’s Dream Bank for just one hour on October 18th to show what I’ve put in to practice! Register now!
Tuesday, October 18th, 2016, 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
DreamBank – One North Pinckney, Madison, WI 53703

Laura’s new book, #180in120—Recharge Your Business in 120 Days is here. You can get this beautiful, easy-to-read, full color book packed full of great ideas into your hands. Get 25% off with the coupon code 25off180. Just click on the link below to get your copy and your road map to being more alive. That spring in your step and passion that brought you life, can be yours again.