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Google Search Business Impact, Crisis Communications Planning & More: June 2019 Newsletter


What is it like to work with an agency?


Dear Friends,

Sometimes people ask, "what is it like to work with an agency?" 
Well, that's a great question. I'll pull back the veil a little so you can see inside here!

This morning started with a client briefing. This means that she or he meets with all of the people at the agency that are working on their account to review progress on various creative projects, PR, donor development marketing materials, email campaigns and analytics, video and web. I think it's one of the best parts about working with an agency. You're not involved in the minutia but the higher level decision making that allows you, as the CEO or Marketing Manager, to manage and lead more successfully!

I've been thinking this lately as it relates to the current demands of our roles. There always seems to be more to do, much more in fact. What if, instead of doing more, we did less? What if we focused on what we did best? This is one of my goals for the summer. To be free to focus, we need to be intentional about our time and our strengths. We may even need to let some things go to bring a fresh commitment to that which matters most.

Board Members Find Gaps Between Awareness and a Plan to Respond to Crisis

My second appointment today was a conference call about a crisis communications plan. According to a study by Deloitte, fewer than half of all larger organizations have crisis playbooks ready to use. Boards typically look for monthly reporting and watch for any shortfalls in profits. 1/3 of board members have no idea if they have a crisis plan in place. And yet, one crisis, mishandled, can devastate an organization taking years to recover. A crisis communications plan can save the day as it protects your finances, your reputation and your productivity.

In this issue of The Digest, Madison Lee, a former news producer and Public Relations consultant at the agency, dives into the "no comment" response in a crisis. That's worth taking a look at and if you would like to know more about how to put your crisis communications plan together, let us know. We would love to help you be more prepared. It provides safety to every stakeholder in an organization when you have a plan in place.

Say Cheese!

You'll also find plenty of food photography as we're working on a new website for one of the most innovative cheese packagers in the USA, Family Fresh Pack! Last fall, we worked together on their mission, vision and values, and now those ideas are moving from the board room to the front page of every web browser who Googles this amazing brand.

Speaking of Google, Craig Hadley shines a light on some important changes that will impact how your business appears in search results. Learn what you can do right now to better manage your listings.

A special thank you to Doug Fearing, President of Fearing's, for his testimonial about working with The Creative Company. It's because of client's like Doug that we're celebrating our 30th year in business. Check it out to learn more about the kind of work we do here at the agency!

Thank you for reading and for being part of our community! Here's to enjoying these long summer days and being freer to focus on that which matters most!

Laura Gallagher, President of The Creative Company
2019 SBA Women in Business Champion


New Website Calls For Food Photography


When developing a new website for our client, professional product images were needed, allowing our creativity to expand to a whole new (and delicious!) level.

Capturing food with a camera is one skill. Styling food is an art form. To accomplish both, we rolled up our sleeves, literally, and had some fun making CHEESE the star of this photo shoot!

Check out some of the mouthwatering scenes below.


These vibrant images will be playing a leading role in the new website for Family Fresh Pack. Stay tuned for the site launch coming soon!

Photo of The Creative Company's Google lead generation expert Craig Hadley. Craig is based in Madison WI.

Is your business in need of a new website?

Craig Hadley, our Senior Web Developer, can help you get started today! Connect now!

Looking for some fresh and inviting photography?

Our Art Director, Tracy Brooks, will help your business "stars" shine! Let's talk! 

Google Business Updates

Will My Business Have to Pay Google for a Listing?


The main source of organic traffic for local businesses is often Google. As if Google Ads aren’t a big enough profit center, Google is considering additional “monetization” on Google My Business (GMB) local business listings and search results.

Learn how your business may be impacted by these possible changes, plus get 4 tips on what you can do now to help control how Google displays information about your business.


Check back next month when we delve into what small businesses can do now to optimize for Amazon Alexa and Google Voice Search queries.

Could your business benefit from an improved online presence? Craig Hadley, our Senior Developer at The Creative Company, is an expert in this area and can help you and your business today.


Is Your Business Ready
for a Crisis?


If a crisis happened at your company or organization in this next hour, would you be ready?

Would all staff know what to do first?

Unfortunately, if you aren’t prepared for the worst, the media can quickly turn your small crisis into a public relations nightmare. But, this doesn’t have to be the case.

Here is an example of a situation I saw unfold when I worked in television news…

After a parent dropped off their terminally ill child at a center that provided its care during the day, the child tragically died of natural causes related to its illness.

That center did not have a prepared crisis plan in place in the event of something horrible like this happening. When local media got word of the death, the center did not have a statement prepared and instead replied, “No comment.” The news agency was able to confirm the death through police and coroner on the scene. They went on air for the noon newscast reporting that a child had died at the center, but noted the center was stating “No comment.”


A crisis communications plan is the creation of a response structure and written plan that will guide and optimize reaction to future crises.

Photo of Madison Lee, Publicist at The Create Company in Madison WI Madison Lee
Publicist & Producer

WANT TO LEARN MORE? Contact The Creative Company today!

In Their Words: A Testimonial

Fearing's Audio Video Security - Doug Fearing

What are the benefits of working with an agency?

Here's what Douglas Fearing has to say about working with The Creative Company, Inc.

"Another benefit we had from all of the media marketing that The Creative Company has been doing for us, is that we’ve seen, especially in the first quarter of this year, almost doubling of our lead generations which has been an added bonus."
Doug Fearing,  President, Fearing's Audio/Video/Security

So very proud to work alongside Fearing's, Wisconsin's leading technology integrator! Check out the video above!

Ready to grow your business? Let's Talk!

Upcoming Events

Summer Concerts at Warner Park!

brought to you by NewBridge Madison

Summer means picnics, baseball and MUSIC!

This year, NewBridge Madison is celebrating 25 Years of Summer Concert at Warner Park and you are invited! To learn more about these fun events, visit their website HERE!
