Photo of an English castle with crowds like those used in Game of Thrones

Tighter Communications: Is Brand Messaging and SEO Mutually Exclusive?

Photo of an English castle with crowds like those used in Game of Thrones

All Hail the Brand Message?

Back in the day, brand messaging, public relations, and search engine optimization (SEO), were very separate marketing tactics. Almost “silos” in yesterday’s corporate speak.

Brand messaging and public relations are not recent inventions. Kings and queens wanted to extend their lineage through time (watch any episode of The Crown or Game of Thrones). Positive public messages and images are tactics that royalty has long used to keep the populace at the plow and new soldiers on the battlefield.

A mere babe, search engine optimization started 20 plus years ago when marketers realized that being on the first page of a Google result set is ten times better than being result #12 on page 2. But how prevalent has organic search become in brand perception?

  • 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. (Source: SEJ)
  • 50% of all searches are four words or longer. (Source: Hubspot)
  • 46% of all Google searches are local. (Source: TechJury)
  • 16% of mobile users prefer voice search or a search engine app.
  • 21% of users access more than one of the search results. (Source: MoZ)

How can looking at the intersection of SEO and brand messaging and public relations tighten your overall communications?

Let’s Get Started

Please take a few minutes to write down your core SEO keywords and main brand messaging points.

For The Creative Company, an abbreviated list of our brand message points and core SEO keywords are below:

Brand Messaging

Building, growing, or changing?

Example SEO Keywords

Public relations
Communications strategy
Crisis communication
Website development
Video production
Graphic design
Social media
Digital advertising

Your Brand Perception

Now take another look at a few of your recent publications. These publications could be e-newsletters, press releases, staff bios, videos, or other advertising.

What words, aside from your brand name, are the most prominent and used most often?

These words are on the way to becoming part of your brand! Potential clients will think about them during the contracting period, the media will use them when referencing your company, and your potential employees will think of them when looking at your job openings. These words are now part of the story that your brand is telling the marketplace.

Why does it matter? To attract customers, shouldn’t I concentrate on SEO service keywords (such as “divorce law” for lawyers)? Why do I care about branded keywords?

It matters because Google searchers using branded keywords are already on your customer journey and have started to create a customer experience.

You may have already paid to get their attention through a billboard, video, or radio advertisement. These users know enough about your brand to want to learn more. If a competitor’s brand name comes up above your brand on a search, it could confuse your potential customer. Trust is not built through confusion.

At Minimum: Formal Talking Points

Whoever is communicating on behalf of your company should thoroughly understand your brand’s core messages.

No matter which communication channel is used, your representatives must appropriately express those messages to your stakeholders.

The Next Step: Customer Profiles

Let’s assume that your brand messaging is tight, your core SEO website architecture is spot on and leads are flowing. How can you increase the quality of your leads? We’ll write about how to tailor your brand message to specific customer profiles and more in our October newsletter.

Do you need help improving your brand perception and SEO performance? Let's connect and set up your free initial consultation to get started.

Photo of The Creative Company's Google lead generation expert Craig Hadley. Craig is based in Madison WI.

Craig Hadley

The Creative Company
Senior Web Developer

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